The Missaroo

The Missaroo
Ready to Take on the World

Monday, November 12, 2012

IBS not BS

It's been a world-wind few months of activity. Long story short we finally moved back out on our own, started a new job, and did all those things that come with moving to a new city and state. The past few days have been nothing but our typical dog fun adventures. Today included a trip to the vet, a visit to the dog park, and a quick stop to the groomers for a small fix. At the vet we discovered Missaroo had Inflammatory Bowl Syndrome, or IBS. Yes, it's the same kind that a human can have. I always knew she was really a person trapped in a dog body. Anyway, she's on a new special food and her grandparents have got to stop feeding her! Like I'm going to kick them next they do it. The last pretzel filled visit ended up with Missy adding blood to her pee. (not the first time this has happened) Can you say awesome sauce? At least I know I'm not crazy. Missy has been puking since the moment I adopted her. She's also had really bad stools every few months for years. The vets always tell me she's find but here's some antibiotics just in case. They basically tell me I'm over reacting. Now this vet sent me away with a disease and no pills. I believe him. She has to be on an even more special food and a little bit of generic yogurt. I have to watch what she eats and it's def a lifestyle change for her, but no magic pills which I like much better. We have to stay away from gluten and find the right protein for her. Chicken is not it. So we're trying lamb and rice which he recommended and a few that is gluten free. We also have to keep the ingredients really simple so we can figure out exactly what she can and cannot tolerate. We'll see how it goes and I'll try to blog more to keep you updated. In the meantime, enjoy a pic from the vet and a shaky Miss at the groomers :)

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