It’s hard to believe Beckham hasn’t been adopted yet. He’s a cool, confident kitty who loves to sunbathe, take long baths, and play with Mister and Missy. He also enjoys napping with or without a dog. He’s affectionate on his own terms and enjoys a good petting or brushing from me. It did take Beckham a while to bond with me but now I wake up on the couch with him sleeping in my lap. It’s funny to go to sleep with two dogs holding you down and wake up with a cat strategically placed on top of you too. Because he does seem to be so bonded with the dogs, I think he would definitely do best in a home with other animals. Not sure if he would do great with kids, many older ones who will give him his space but still want to play with him. Although, it’s worth noting, other than the vacuum I have yet to find anything that truly fazes him.
Needless to say Beckham is pretty much the coolest cat. It’s heartbreaking that he’s been overlooked by potential adopters for months. But I just have a feeling that March will be his month. So join us and be a part of operation Beckham. Help this well deserving cat find his forever home by telling his story and sharing his picture. He is quite handsome isn't he?
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