Mister Man Baumann is a 4-year-old Chihuahua mix breed found abandoned in an apartment complex in Richland, Washington many years ago. Just like his big sister, Mister was rescued by a wonderful, all-volunteer rescue group called Pet Over Population Prevention. After many weeks of comparing his picture to Missy’s, Mister was adopted on January 19th 2011. Every year on that date, Mister celebrates another year older in his forever family. Mister is little brother to Missy, former foster brother to Sinatra ((now Myles)) and current foster brother to Beckham.
Mister enjoys dog parks, peeing on stuff outside, sniffing everything, alerting everyone to stranger danger, and blinking himself to sleep. Four months after getting adopted, Mister has surgery on his knee. But don’t let that fool you, he still has mad hops! He has lived in three states: Washington, Illinois, and Wisconsin. He also enjoys playing with his foster brother and snuggling with his mommy. He grew up in Spokane, Washington. He also has one uncle and two “aunts”, Aunt Molly and Aunt Jackie.
Mister has an iron-clad stomach that can eat anything from Missy’s antibiotics to fuzz from the dyer without even noticing the difference. It drives his mother and his sister crazy for separate reasons. If you see him out on a walk approach with caution because Mister is skiddish around men and children he doesn’t know. Mister has a series of nicknames he also goes by but will not answer to including: Blinky, Sniff, and Peanut. Licks and woofs!