Missy enjoys walks, spending time with her mommy, and telling you exactly what’s on her mind. She has lived in three states: Washington, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Her favorite place in the world is still the river walk at Howard Amon Park in Richland, Washington. She also misses visits to the Engel pool in Kennewick, Washington where she grew up. Anywhere with mommy and people who love her for the dog she is also great. She also has one uncle and two “aunts”, Aunt Molly and Aunt Jackie.
Missy has a very sensitive stomach and is on a limited ingredient, gluten free diet. This means if you see us out walking about please just stop to pet us, no treats please unless of course the treats meet those criteria. Missy is her given name but you can also call her The Missaroo, Shmishmishmoo, Shmooie or just Shmoo. Lick and woofs!