I cannot believe it’s been months since we last blogged! I’ll spare you the details for once, but basically my laptop wasn’t functional for a while. But the good news is we are BACK!
Of course our first blog back I have to use to attack MADACC. The September numbers recently came out. Although the month by itself is a bit better, the year to date numbers are truly heartbreaking. Basically, the “shelter” has increased its lifesaving capabilities by 2%. At last check in July, they were on pace to save 6% more animals. I cannot tell you how defeated I feel and how sick this makes me. THOUSANDS of animals are being KILLED in the “shelter” every year! Outrageous.
Some might think, hey 2% increase is better than 2% decrease. Well here’s the thing. There are 200 No Kill communities currently across the country. These communities went No Kill virtually overnight. They didn’t start by decreasing the killing a couple of percentage points at a time; A couple of dozen animals at a time. They went from killing to not killing. MADACC is not on the No Kill path. In fact, MADACC doesn’t even seem to know where the No Kill path is located. My frustration level is at an all-time high and my heart is overwhelmed with dread for all of the animals in Milwaukee County. It’s almost enough to give up….. and then there’s Sinatra.
Sinatra is still alive. He was rescued, fostered, and adopted. He is my own personal experience with survival. Beckham was rescued and is being fostered. I cannot wait for him to get adopted. I will probably sob when that day comes, but yet I still look forward to it so we can open up another space in our apartment, our lives, and our hearts for another animal in desperate need of rescue. Life is greater than death and that is what keeps me motivated to continue to take on the system. Fostering is only one portion of the No Kill equation but it’s what allows me to continue to fight for all of the other pieces to come together. Again, I will desperately plead with you to find a small portion of the equation for you to start implementing in your own life and in your own community. For those of you who already adopt, volunteer, foster, or call for action THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Please don’t give up. Together we can and WILL save them all.
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