Mister and Missy made their return to the vet yesterday to find out what the heck was going on with their icky poop. The good thing about having dogs instead of kids is that they don't ask questions you have to come up with a lie too. Those two had no idea they were headed to the vet. They were just happy to have their coats on:
((the funny thing is that as adorable as my Missaroo is it's usually Mister who steals the show, especially when the camera is on. Missaroo is a little camera shy, Mister is a ham.))
Anywhoo.... Then it was time for the real show to start.
The vet examined both of them and said they felt fine everywhere. BUT that poop of theirs? Def Foul. Foul being the word the vet used. Not. Good. But not bad either. After a quick poop test, both came back negative. Which basically just means they got into something, we just don't know what and it gave them diarrhea More good news: Negative poop test equals shots! Missy needed her kennel cough shot for boarding as did Mister. Poor Mister Man needed two more though. He took it like a champ. Miss, not so much. My poor baby was just not OK with something sticking her in the booty. Can't blame her.
At the end of the day we walked away with a huge vet bill, pills to help harden up their poop, and this:
As long as I don't have to pick up any more icky poop eight times a day, I'll be a happy dog mom. The doggies are happy for a different kind of food, even if it is only for a few days.
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