The Missaroo

The Missaroo
Ready to Take on the World

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Fever

Everyone wants the wet weather to just go away already, but no one wants to throw open the windows and balcony door quite like the Missaroo. The other day after the rain finally tapered off, the sun came out. I opened the balcony for a little bit to let Miss and Mister enjoy at least part of the day. Missy went out there with her best strut and barked for about a half an hour. What was she barking at? Oh nothing. She was simply telling the parking lot, the neighborhood, and the entire world that she was ready for spring, on her balcony, on her terms.

Even little buddy Mister looked at me like "what's her deal?" He joined her here and there, but it's hard to keep up with Missy in the barking game. Instead he decided to take a nap with mom on the couch. We couldn't have been any more protected, with Missy out on the balcony. I feel bad for all of my new neighbors who made the mistake of moving in during the winter. The rest already know, that crazy dog is going to bark all warm weather long. And now she has a sidekick! Watch out world, the Missaroo has spring fever!

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