I had the worst dream last night. I had a dream that my old work made me give Mister away! It was horrible. In my dream I got him to be our station dog ((that would never happen in real life by the way)) and then when I left they took him back! But they didn't tell me. I thought I was brining him back so everyone else could say goodbye to him, but it turned out they were giving him to my weekend sports anchor and his fiancée! What a nightmare. Holy cow!
Then I woke up and little Mister had fallen asleep on my foot. In the process, my foot had turned to concrete and I couldn't even move it. I had to wake poor Mister up, rub my foot, and start moving it around. All before 3am. What a night! But at least Mister was still there in the bed with us. Oh yeah, Missy was just annoyed she was woken up at all. Then I took them both outside to pee to prove all was well in our world again. Dogs!
Missaroo and I are on life's journey together, getting through one adventure at a time. This is all about the most adorable dog in the world and her owner too.
The Missaroo
Ready to Take on the World
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Spring Fever
Everyone wants the wet weather to just go away already, but no one wants to throw open the windows and balcony door quite like the Missaroo. The other day after the rain finally tapered off, the sun came out. I opened the balcony for a little bit to let Miss and Mister enjoy at least part of the day. Missy went out there with her best strut and barked for about a half an hour. What was she barking at? Oh nothing. She was simply telling the parking lot, the neighborhood, and the entire world that she was ready for spring, on her balcony, on her terms.
Even little buddy Mister looked at me like "what's her deal?" He joined her here and there, but it's hard to keep up with Missy in the barking game. Instead he decided to take a nap with mom on the couch. We couldn't have been any more protected, with Missy out on the balcony. I feel bad for all of my new neighbors who made the mistake of moving in during the winter. The rest already know, that crazy dog is going to bark all warm weather long. And now she has a sidekick! Watch out world, the Missaroo has spring fever!
Even little buddy Mister looked at me like "what's her deal?" He joined her here and there, but it's hard to keep up with Missy in the barking game. Instead he decided to take a nap with mom on the couch. We couldn't have been any more protected, with Missy out on the balcony. I feel bad for all of my new neighbors who made the mistake of moving in during the winter. The rest already know, that crazy dog is going to bark all warm weather long. And now she has a sidekick! Watch out world, the Missaroo has spring fever!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Soo... some of you already know, others have started to ask questions, either way it is time to set the record straight. I quit my job. I gave my two weeks and walked away from the only world I've ever known. I am no longer a producer, and there is a good chance I never will be again. I will miss it more than anyone realizes. My reasons for leaving are too many to list and too complicated to explain. The bottom line is, I need to follow my heart and do what I love surrounded by wonderful, positive, supportive people. Without support right here in Spokane, my job and ultimately my career, became impossible. As anyone in the news business will tell you, the only reason we do what we do is because we love it. When you no longer love it, BOLT! Seriously, we work crap hours, in crap conditions, for crap pay and we all sign on the dotted line knowing that. When you don't love it, there's no reason to stay.
Soo... "what's next?" a lot of people have asked me. For the first time in my entire life my answer is: I don't know. There is no game plan, no to do list to guide the way. I am just relying on the good Lord, my Bible, and my heart to guide me. I have some hopes. I hope to finish going to school. I hope to find something I love. I hope to find someone I love. And I hope to spend more time doing the things that I love. Mostly, I want to live my life. For right now, in order to move forward, I am looking at this as a closing of a chapter and an opening of a new one. I just don't know yet what that new chapter will be. I am looking forward to it though and I feel better already. I smile, I laugh, and I have yet to panic ((which is totally unlike me)). Just job searching has been fun! Seriously fun. And although this is only unemployment day 2, so far, so good. Carpe diem. :)
Soo... "what's next?" a lot of people have asked me. For the first time in my entire life my answer is: I don't know. There is no game plan, no to do list to guide the way. I am just relying on the good Lord, my Bible, and my heart to guide me. I have some hopes. I hope to finish going to school. I hope to find something I love. I hope to find someone I love. And I hope to spend more time doing the things that I love. Mostly, I want to live my life. For right now, in order to move forward, I am looking at this as a closing of a chapter and an opening of a new one. I just don't know yet what that new chapter will be. I am looking forward to it though and I feel better already. I smile, I laugh, and I have yet to panic ((which is totally unlike me)). Just job searching has been fun! Seriously fun. And although this is only unemployment day 2, so far, so good. Carpe diem. :)
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Dog Mom Fix All
Men use duct tape, I use hair accessories. When the Velcro on Mister's jacket wouldn't, well Velcro, I turned to a bobbing pin for a quick fix. Works like a charm! Ta-da!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Greatest Dog Mom Purchase Ever!
I can't believe I haven't shared my fav dog mom purchase of all time with you yet! Maybe it's because the more I use them the more amazing they seem to become. If you didn't know how easy it is to make my day, you are about to find out:
About a month ago, I went to the Petco down the street and bought Mister and Missy each a dog food container! I know, exciting stuff. But seriously, they are amazing. No more dog food on the floor after the bag rips, no more trying to fold up a very gigantic dog food bag, with very little dog food in it, no more losing the scoop in the bag, and no more climbing all the way inside the bag when the supply runs low. Not to mention the containers make me feel way more organized.
Plus each container comes with its very own food scoop!
About a month ago, I went to the Petco down the street and bought Mister and Missy each a dog food container! I know, exciting stuff. But seriously, they are amazing. No more dog food on the floor after the bag rips, no more trying to fold up a very gigantic dog food bag, with very little dog food in it, no more losing the scoop in the bag, and no more climbing all the way inside the bag when the supply runs low. Not to mention the containers make me feel way more organized.
Plus each container comes with its very own food scoop!
On my last day of work God sent us a miracle right outside the KREM 2 Studios:
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Worry: It's What I Do Best
I know this isn't the first time I've blogged about what a worry-wort I am, but this time it's not Missy, it's Mister I worry about. The other day at work someone told me that small dogs who jump on things can hurt their joints as they get older. WHAT!?! Insert dog mom sized freak out here. Mister jumps on everything, the furniture, the bed, me. Every time I see him jump I think "don't hurt your joints!"
So now I'm trying to think of ways for him to get onto things easier. I've started picking him up when he wants to come sit on my lap. And then last night, I put a chair by the bed hoping he would at least jump on that and then the bed before I get him some sort of stairs. He just jumped around the chair and I ran my toe into it in the middle of the night. FAIL.
I wish I could control my worry a little bit more, but when it comes to others, I ooze care. I can't help it. In fact my only friend in Spokane no longer wants to be my friend and I can't even cope with it, mostly because I can't bring myself to fall out of friendship. I care, and worry about him too much. So what's a girl like me to do? Blog about it I guess! :)
So now I'm trying to think of ways for him to get onto things easier. I've started picking him up when he wants to come sit on my lap. And then last night, I put a chair by the bed hoping he would at least jump on that and then the bed before I get him some sort of stairs. He just jumped around the chair and I ran my toe into it in the middle of the night. FAIL.
I wish I could control my worry a little bit more, but when it comes to others, I ooze care. I can't help it. In fact my only friend in Spokane no longer wants to be my friend and I can't even cope with it, mostly because I can't bring myself to fall out of friendship. I care, and worry about him too much. So what's a girl like me to do? Blog about it I guess! :)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
My Missy Girl
I use to worry what would happen to the bond between Missy and me once Mister came into the picture. I even cried myself to sleep a few nights wondering if she would think I had replaced her. Nothing could be further from the truth. My motivation behind adopting Mister came from the realization I have so much love to give and no man seems to want it, but Mister does. Also, I believe it is in Missy's best interest to have a bud to play with all the time. My worries about Miss and me have subsided. No doubt about it, my best friend is still my best friend. Til death do us part:
Monday, March 21, 2011
Mister's First Groom
Mister and Missy had grooming appointments together this morning. Missy is a seasoned veteran when it comes to the PetSmart grooming experience. She goes to the same gal every eight weeks, and Cynthia and Missy are in love with each other. Now Mister got to see what being clean is all about. Like everything we do, it turned into quite the adventure.
We woke up early and rushed around to get ready. I drop the puparoos off at PetSmart and then head right into work. A couple of hours later I run back and get them, take them home, and head back to work. It makes for a long day for me. The car ride went as it always does, Missy barking and Mister wandering into my lap. I did a little better job this time of keeping him in the back though. Then we run to the back of the store and today the groomers was the place to be. We were the first ones in the door, but the waiting area quickly filled up. Luckily, Cynthia and her heads up knowledge of the Missaroo got her in the back before an all out dog fight broke out. That left me holding Mister. Of course, this not so great dog mom forgot his rabies paperwork. Shoot! They had to call over to the vet to make sure he was up-to-date, which of course meant more waiting. This was the easy part.
When I went to go pick them up, Mister came out first. He looked great and was super happy to see me. So happy he peed on me. Yep, in the PetSmart, on my dress clothes. Awe-some! I was so embarrassed and not so happy. I wiped myself off, kinda, but the damage was done. I grabbed Mister and Missy and we headed out to the car. Missy then peed in the middle of the parking lot. Almost as embarrassing, good thing it was raining. No harm, no foul right?
Missy then barked the whole way home while Mister just looked adorable. At home, it was back in the crates, a quick change of my coat and pants and then back to work. On the way home I found myself laughing out loud at us. I've got a pucker and pee-er on my hands, O-M-G. What a silly life I lead.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
No One Listens To Mom
The dogs run the place, duh. We all knew that. There aren't many rules in the house either, just one big one that no one seems to follow: No fighting on the furniture, and really no fighting on the piece of furniture where mom is. But no one listens to mom.
It's great that the puparoos run around the apartment together. They love to roll around and play. But then they have to take it to wherever I am. A classic example from earlier in the week: Mister was sitting with me on the couch. Missy was chewing her bone. Then she finished with that, jumped up on the couch and started to roughhouse with Mister. Immediately I stand up shoe them off and say "No fighting on the furniture." They shoed but had no idea what I was saying. This happened three more times. Same thing, they would be done playing, Mister came up by me, Missy started to chew her bone, decided to heck with it let's play, and off they'd go again. No one listens to mom.
It's great that the puparoos run around the apartment together. They love to roll around and play. But then they have to take it to wherever I am. A classic example from earlier in the week: Mister was sitting with me on the couch. Missy was chewing her bone. Then she finished with that, jumped up on the couch and started to roughhouse with Mister. Immediately I stand up shoe them off and say "No fighting on the furniture." They shoed but had no idea what I was saying. This happened three more times. Same thing, they would be done playing, Mister came up by me, Missy started to chew her bone, decided to heck with it let's play, and off they'd go again. No one listens to mom.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Park 'n Ride
Yesterday was kind of a gloomy, ho-home day EXCEPT for the fact that it didn't rain or snow AND was in the high 40's! Which made it the best weather day of the year so far. It also meant it was time for the puparoos and me to blow this popstand for a little bit and head out to the park!
It's the first time all year Miss and I have hit up Manito and the first time ever for Mister. The park is only about a ten minute drive from our home so I decided not to use Mister's crate to transport him. I need to get a small portable crate for him, but can't afford it at the moment. Instead I tied him the way I use to tie Missy before we bought her a seatbelt. Let me tell you, he travels a lot better than the Missaroo. No barking, no freak outs, but he did end up on my lap. But then he just sat there.
When we got to the park they were both really excited. They went to the bathroom like they hadn't gone all year or something. They sniffed and walked until their little hearts were content and my feet hurt. Then it was back in the car for the ride home. Mister again ended up on my lap and Missy was pulling as far as her seatbelt would let her. I looked over at the puparoos as we pulled into the apartment complex and they were both doing their little, hu, hu, hu noise they make when they're tired from all that running around. It made me laugh and smile.
Once we were home they traded off chewing a new bone for about a half an hour before Mister and I were tuckered out and took a nap. Who knows how long Missy stayed up but she eventually was the reason Mister and I got off the couch. It was a fun day for the dogs who got to go to the park and on a ride!
It's the first time all year Miss and I have hit up Manito and the first time ever for Mister. The park is only about a ten minute drive from our home so I decided not to use Mister's crate to transport him. I need to get a small portable crate for him, but can't afford it at the moment. Instead I tied him the way I use to tie Missy before we bought her a seatbelt. Let me tell you, he travels a lot better than the Missaroo. No barking, no freak outs, but he did end up on my lap. But then he just sat there.
When we got to the park they were both really excited. They went to the bathroom like they hadn't gone all year or something. They sniffed and walked until their little hearts were content and my feet hurt. Then it was back in the car for the ride home. Mister again ended up on my lap and Missy was pulling as far as her seatbelt would let her. I looked over at the puparoos as we pulled into the apartment complex and they were both doing their little, hu, hu, hu noise they make when they're tired from all that running around. It made me laugh and smile.
Once we were home they traded off chewing a new bone for about a half an hour before Mister and I were tuckered out and took a nap. Who knows how long Missy stayed up but she eventually was the reason Mister and I got off the couch. It was a fun day for the dogs who got to go to the park and on a ride!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
King of the Couch
Missy has her favorite chair, I like my recline, which leaves the couch for Mister. He is king of the couch!
Monday, March 14, 2011
There's No Place Like Home
I burned another vacation day in order to attend church yesterday. The rest of my "vacation" I spent at home with the puparoos. After church, the sun was actually shinning and nothing wet was falling from the sky! It was like a March miracle! I changed right away and took the dogs for Mister's longest walk to date. In fact, it was so warm we saw three motorcycles along the way. Awesome.
We walked for about 40 minutes or so. Mister was a trooper but I did have to pull him along a little bit. He wants to pee and sniff EVERY THING. Missy couldn't have been happier to be going for a long walk. The sidewalks are finally clear so we were able to go up the road instead of through the neighborhoods. Mister hasn't even been on that walk before. Missy just smiled big in-between barking at the motorcycles of course!
The best part was it tuckered them out pretty good and got them on a more manageable potty schedule for the rest of the day and into this morning. Sure, they still wrestled around as soon as their leashes were off. At one point I was on the phone with my mom and they were both in their beds, still play biting. They found away to play without moving anything but their heads! They're just like kids! It was pretty funny, but I was like guys don't fight it, just take a nap already. It was nice to have a little silence too.
The rain picked back up by that evening, which made me even more thankful I had the day off so I could walk them when it was nice. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home with the dogs.
We walked for about 40 minutes or so. Mister was a trooper but I did have to pull him along a little bit. He wants to pee and sniff EVERY THING. Missy couldn't have been happier to be going for a long walk. The sidewalks are finally clear so we were able to go up the road instead of through the neighborhoods. Mister hasn't even been on that walk before. Missy just smiled big in-between barking at the motorcycles of course!
The best part was it tuckered them out pretty good and got them on a more manageable potty schedule for the rest of the day and into this morning. Sure, they still wrestled around as soon as their leashes were off. At one point I was on the phone with my mom and they were both in their beds, still play biting. They found away to play without moving anything but their heads! They're just like kids! It was pretty funny, but I was like guys don't fight it, just take a nap already. It was nice to have a little silence too.
The rain picked back up by that evening, which made me even more thankful I had the day off so I could walk them when it was nice. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home with the dogs.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Oh Sh%$!
WARNING: The title is pretty darn literal.
I came home from another marathon weekend shift and the smell hit me like a ton of bricks. Mister had pooped all. over. It was probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. I mean sure I pick up piles of dog poop, but this was more like a scene from a monkey habitat at the zoo then a pile from my 10 pound dog.
First things first, everybody outside, now! And try avoid stepping in it would ya? We did our usual potty walk in the rain Saturday night, Mister pooped again, and then we went home to clean up the mess. I locked both of them in Missy's crate so they couldn't get anything on them and I had a chance to re-group in general. I didn't need the two of them storming through the living room and bumping into me with my head stuck in a crate full of poop. ((I really hope you aren't eating breakfast or something right now))
I decided to just throw the crate mat away. It was that bad. Then washed the blanket underneath and cleaned the crate. He also managed to get it outside of the crate as well. My poor little Mister. I was running a few minutes late from work on Saturday. I had a chat with my weekend sports guy who I just throughly enjoy working with and we talked for a bit. I got home around 7pm instead of 6:40pm. But the thing is, I did come home in the middle of the day to take them out. Sure, we weren't out there long, but I thought that would help avoid what I walked into later that night. I was wrong.
This weekend shift is just too darn hard on my puparoos. Something has to give. In the meantime, I bet you're glad I didn't include any pictures.
I came home from another marathon weekend shift and the smell hit me like a ton of bricks. Mister had pooped all. over. It was probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. I mean sure I pick up piles of dog poop, but this was more like a scene from a monkey habitat at the zoo then a pile from my 10 pound dog.
First things first, everybody outside, now! And try avoid stepping in it would ya? We did our usual potty walk in the rain Saturday night, Mister pooped again, and then we went home to clean up the mess. I locked both of them in Missy's crate so they couldn't get anything on them and I had a chance to re-group in general. I didn't need the two of them storming through the living room and bumping into me with my head stuck in a crate full of poop. ((I really hope you aren't eating breakfast or something right now))
I decided to just throw the crate mat away. It was that bad. Then washed the blanket underneath and cleaned the crate. He also managed to get it outside of the crate as well. My poor little Mister. I was running a few minutes late from work on Saturday. I had a chat with my weekend sports guy who I just throughly enjoy working with and we talked for a bit. I got home around 7pm instead of 6:40pm. But the thing is, I did come home in the middle of the day to take them out. Sure, we weren't out there long, but I thought that would help avoid what I walked into later that night. I was wrong.
This weekend shift is just too darn hard on my puparoos. Something has to give. In the meantime, I bet you're glad I didn't include any pictures.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Pukaroo is Back
Missy is back to puking. She's thrown up three times this month. Once in her crate while I was gone, the other two times on the carpet. I can't figure out what's changed, ((other than my schedule again)) if anything. I bought a different type of rawhide bone, but yet still a plain ole rawhide bone. Other than that, no new toys, same old treats, and same dog food. Same amount of food and treats. Nothing else has changed. Is it really my work schedule that throws her off so badly?
For those of you who don't know much about the news business, there are certain months of the year that none of us can take off. It happens when we are in our ratings period, also known as book or sweeps. February, May, July, and November nobody is taking a vacation. That's great news for the Missaroo because it means I will have a set schedule that entire month. There isn't a whole lot of vacation time used up right after the holidays either ((aka January)). We enter March, I'm on a different schedule starting immediately and she's thrown up three times. Hmm.... One more reason why I can't work on the bottom of this totem pole forever. Missy doesn't have the stomach for it.
For those of you who don't know much about the news business, there are certain months of the year that none of us can take off. It happens when we are in our ratings period, also known as book or sweeps. February, May, July, and November nobody is taking a vacation. That's great news for the Missaroo because it means I will have a set schedule that entire month. There isn't a whole lot of vacation time used up right after the holidays either ((aka January)). We enter March, I'm on a different schedule starting immediately and she's thrown up three times. Hmm.... One more reason why I can't work on the bottom of this totem pole forever. Missy doesn't have the stomach for it.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
A Potty Training Update
Mister is getting better about going outside instead of inside anytime he wants. He's only peed on my once in recent memory and that was as we were trying to get out the door. It was hard when it was really cold here for a few days. He basically decided he was not going to poop in the cold, which meant he pooped where it was warm, in the apartment. Since the warm up, he's been doing better.
I think what makes it so hard is that he just doesn't really give a warning and he just has to go A LOT. I mean, when I'm home with the puparoos and they are roaming free? We're out every three to four hours. He can hold it longer if he's in the crate, but he's gone in his crate just a few hours after the last time he's peed too.
I am seeing overall signs of improvement and I'm hoping he'll get pretty regular and learn to hold it a little more. The limiting his water intake is really helping. Thanks to everyone who has helped with tips and overall support, especially Missy's trainer Angie. There would be zero improvement without her help.
I think what makes it so hard is that he just doesn't really give a warning and he just has to go A LOT. I mean, when I'm home with the puparoos and they are roaming free? We're out every three to four hours. He can hold it longer if he's in the crate, but he's gone in his crate just a few hours after the last time he's peed too.
I am seeing overall signs of improvement and I'm hoping he'll get pretty regular and learn to hold it a little more. The limiting his water intake is really helping. Thanks to everyone who has helped with tips and overall support, especially Missy's trainer Angie. There would be zero improvement without her help.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Mirror Images
The puparoos together continue to brighten my everyday and make me laugh uncontrollably. They've also found new ways to keep each other entertained. The latest installment of Missy and her mini-me has the two of them squared off in a staring contest. Then they mimic each other's movements.
For example, Mister will be on the couch next to me. Missy will be laying on the floor staring up at him. She moves her head up, so does he. She puts her head back down, so does he. They mirror each other. I usually end up ruining it because I start laughing. Then Missy comes running and jumps on me and of course Mister follows suit. There's nothing like being attacked by nearly 40 pounds of dog while trying to cover your head with a blanket and laugh. I love my puparoos. Never a dull moment in our home! :)
For example, Mister will be on the couch next to me. Missy will be laying on the floor staring up at him. She moves her head up, so does he. She puts her head back down, so does he. They mirror each other. I usually end up ruining it because I start laughing. Then Missy comes running and jumps on me and of course Mister follows suit. There's nothing like being attacked by nearly 40 pounds of dog while trying to cover your head with a blanket and laugh. I love my puparoos. Never a dull moment in our home! :)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dog Mom Day
I don't have many days to myself. I spend most of my "weekends" running errands, being OCD about cleaning my apartment ((like I can't function before I clean it)) and doing lots and lots of homework. That's all before three hours of class that night. That might be a glimpse into my to do list, but not my priority list. That includes my two puparoos. If I have time to sit down to eat and shower, well it's a good day. Wednesday was the exception to all of this.
I stilled cleaned and finished writing a paper. I had class at night and the dogs went outside plenty. BUT. The rest of the day I focused on me! I went shopping. I rarely buy things for myself, and yes even on my "me day" I stopped off at the pet store to buy food containers and another pack of bones. Now don't get me wrong, I spend big bucks on things like my makeup and hair, but I don't usually take the time to just shop around, wander a store, and treat myself other than necessary upkeep. It felt good to take time a way from the dogs to just get out and almost feel like a normal 25 year old for once. Then after class, I read FOR FUN! Yeah it's been ages since I've managed to pull that one off. I know I need to make time for myself more often, but I'm just not very good at it. Even now, I've recently started a new project for a friend.
Hopefully, I will convince myself that I need more, not so dog mom days, but until then I'll just remember what it felt like to enjoy the day, instead of rushing through it.
I stilled cleaned and finished writing a paper. I had class at night and the dogs went outside plenty. BUT. The rest of the day I focused on me! I went shopping. I rarely buy things for myself, and yes even on my "me day" I stopped off at the pet store to buy food containers and another pack of bones. Now don't get me wrong, I spend big bucks on things like my makeup and hair, but I don't usually take the time to just shop around, wander a store, and treat myself other than necessary upkeep. It felt good to take time a way from the dogs to just get out and almost feel like a normal 25 year old for once. Then after class, I read FOR FUN! Yeah it's been ages since I've managed to pull that one off. I know I need to make time for myself more often, but I'm just not very good at it. Even now, I've recently started a new project for a friend.
Hopefully, I will convince myself that I need more, not so dog mom days, but until then I'll just remember what it felt like to enjoy the day, instead of rushing through it.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Slip and Slide
Our early morning walk turned into a big OUCH! We were around the corner from home when we hit some ice and I landed pretty hard on my butt bone and hand. My hand only stung for a little bit and it hurts to walk but nothing is broken, praise the Lord. It is the hardest I've hit the pavement this winter, mostly because it's the first time I've actually hit the pavement! Don't get me wrong, I've fallen plenty of times, but always on snow.
Last month, I wrote about Missy and Mister being the protectors of my universe. Well, after my slip and slide, Miss turned into nurse and caregiver as well. Mister continued to pull ahead, stop in the middle of the road, and slide a few times himself. After I got up off the cold, hard ground, Miss stayed right by my side. Notorious for running ahead of our pack, She stayed right with me, even walking behind me for a while. She even kinda gave me that look like mom you OK? Unfortunately she's lived through my migraines, depression, and refusals to get out of bed before ((most of which is in the past now)) and she hates when mom is not OK. Fortunately, mom is OK and it's going to take more than a slip and slide on the pavement to keep me down nowadays.
The real bad news about the icy walk is the fact the sidewalks are still pretty bad out which means we still aren't really going on walks as much as we are cruising around the block five time a day to go to the bathroom. Today I'm going to spend my time thinking warm thoughts, looking for signs of spring, and keeping tabs on the melting ice outside.
Last month, I wrote about Missy and Mister being the protectors of my universe. Well, after my slip and slide, Miss turned into nurse and caregiver as well. Mister continued to pull ahead, stop in the middle of the road, and slide a few times himself. After I got up off the cold, hard ground, Miss stayed right by my side. Notorious for running ahead of our pack, She stayed right with me, even walking behind me for a while. She even kinda gave me that look like mom you OK? Unfortunately she's lived through my migraines, depression, and refusals to get out of bed before ((most of which is in the past now)) and she hates when mom is not OK. Fortunately, mom is OK and it's going to take more than a slip and slide on the pavement to keep me down nowadays.
The real bad news about the icy walk is the fact the sidewalks are still pretty bad out which means we still aren't really going on walks as much as we are cruising around the block five time a day to go to the bathroom. Today I'm going to spend my time thinking warm thoughts, looking for signs of spring, and keeping tabs on the melting ice outside.
Welcome to March Take Two
On March first we woke up to snow....
On March second we woke up to....
On March second we woke up to....
BUT we are super thankful for highs in the 40's We are hoping this is the first sign of Spring. In the meantime, we're dealing with ice, ice, baby!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The Good Life
It's funny, my graduate program is similar to my undergrad experience in one way: I've learned more from my classmates than I have from books. The great thing about the program I am in is that I get to hear and learn about other people's passions. Most of my classmates I am extremely jealous of. Some of them have dual citizenships, some of them only have citizenship outside the U.S. Some of them have simply traveled our great world. But with all of that worldly experience, some of them have seen some devastating things.
Recently, one of my classmates briefly said something to the effect that she had seen her parents killed in front of her in Rwanda and it kinda messed her up for a while. Whoa! I'm not sure what struck me the most, the fact that she was a survivor of genocide who had seen her parents brutally murdered or the fact she could calmly make a statement like "it kinda messed her up for a while".
After that, I stopped complaining about the direction my life has taken. I forget of course and I complained when I came home to dog throw-up ((courtesy the Missaroo)) and got peed on again ((courtesy Mister)) all in the same few minutes. And it will still probably happen, the complaining I am referring to, but I no longer want to question the direction of my life. I lead the good life. Great dogs, Great gig, going to school, nice apartment. I have it pretty easy most of the time. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle, and we can do anything through Him who gives us strength. If there's one thing missing from my life right now, it is a better relationship with God. Time to crack open my Bible and thank the Lord for my good life.
Recently, one of my classmates briefly said something to the effect that she had seen her parents killed in front of her in Rwanda and it kinda messed her up for a while. Whoa! I'm not sure what struck me the most, the fact that she was a survivor of genocide who had seen her parents brutally murdered or the fact she could calmly make a statement like "it kinda messed her up for a while".
After that, I stopped complaining about the direction my life has taken. I forget of course and I complained when I came home to dog throw-up ((courtesy the Missaroo)) and got peed on again ((courtesy Mister)) all in the same few minutes. And it will still probably happen, the complaining I am referring to, but I no longer want to question the direction of my life. I lead the good life. Great dogs, Great gig, going to school, nice apartment. I have it pretty easy most of the time. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle, and we can do anything through Him who gives us strength. If there's one thing missing from my life right now, it is a better relationship with God. Time to crack open my Bible and thank the Lord for my good life.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Welcome to March!
So this isn't exactly how I thought it would look outside on March 1st....
We are soooo ready for Spring. Like. Right. Now. I guess this just means we'll appreciate highs in the 40s for once.
Just Another Manic Monday
They bark, run, wrestle, eat and poop all day. Apparently Mondays are just exhausting for the puparoos as they are for everyone else....
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