Now, you might remember me telling you about how Missy out smarted Grams not so long ago. My mom thought she could simply muzzle Missy in the car. Yep, that worked until about 30 seconds into it when she figure out how to tear it off her nose. Well this time Grams has evened the score. "Peanut butter" She said to me, "Have you tired giving it to her with peanut butter." To which I replied, "Now that's a thought."
Missy loves peanut butter A LOT. And more than that, a crushed up pill would stick nicely to it. So when Missy when to eat it she couldn't avoid the pill particles. So today we tried it. I have to come home in the middle of the day to give Missy her pill so time really is of the essence. I gave her a dab of peanut butter filled with the pill bits and she licked it up no questions asked! Grams is a genius!

On a side note, I talked to the vet today and everything looks like it's clearing up. Missy is also starting to feel better. She'll be off the bland food and pills in a couple of days and hopefully back to her spunky self.
We do that with Jack.. put his pills in peanut butter or put it in bread and he doesnt really pay attention and gobbles his pills right up!