But most of those adventures didn't really include the Missaroo so I'll spare you the details, but not the pictures.
Second, I got real about my life. I took a good, hard look at where I'm actually at and where I want to be. Despite some of the blogs, the result is glass half full. I'm on track with grad school and work. The Missaroo's Internet stardom was off to a quick start and has now tapered off, so that's a bummer, ((any suggestions on how to jump start it I'll take!)) Now I'm working on trying to find an internship at a non-profit, finish school, move up at work, and still explore every chance I get. In fact, I'm already thinking Vegas for birthday number 26. I've never been, so why not?
I've also been working harder on relaxing. I know it sounds like an oxymoron but for me it's not. I really have to take a step back and go, "Whoa! You are not having fun, you are STRESSED!" And so far it's starting with my walks with Missy. I'm working on not speed walking down the road. I'm trying to walk slower and with less of a purpose. She's enjoying it more too. So it's all about starting back at one, with baby steps. I'll get there, now I just have to figure out where it is I'm going.
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