Welp, this week the dogs have to say goodbye to the only dog dad they've ever known. Whether they will actually get the chance to say goodbye is not up to me. For them, it must feel like a doggie parent divorce. And like with every divorce, it is a thin line between using the dogs and wanting what's best for them. I wish I could just fix the weirdness so the dogs and I could both say goodbye. But I just don't know how. Saying I'm sorry is a start, but I'm not even sure I can say that without crying and my tears have been accused of creating guilt in the past. What's a dog mom to do? I have no idea. But this time it seems as though my cure-all dogs don't have the cure after all. What I have been doing is keeping my head down and my pleasantries to a minimum for fear of making dog dad uncomfortable, again.
And I want to make sure it's clear I don't use the word divorce lightly. It is a word that defined my teens and early twenties. A word I wish I had no concept of today. But for the dogs, it signifies they will never have another dog dad. No replacement. Just one person who loved them almost as much as I did. Who took them for walks and runs, took care of them when mom went away, slept with them like mom does, and came bearing gifts at Christmas time. This is a sad week for all of us because it's all over now.
Missaroo and I are on life's journey together, getting through one adventure at a time. This is all about the most adorable dog in the world and her owner too.
The Missaroo
Ready to Take on the World
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Lucky Dogs
I am constantly reminded just how lucky Mister and Missy are, and last night was no exception. This gets a little personal and there needs to be a little bit of a back story so bear with me. I am currently in a fight with someone who means the world to me and is probably the most wonderful person I've ever met. It sucks. We both caused it. And yet somehow I let this squabble continue because at least being in a fight is still being in a something. There's no one else I rather talk to so if fighting is the only way to hear his voice anymore so be it. Stupid I know, but the reality is a week from now his voice will be gone from my life completely. So back to the dogs.
Last night the dogs were able to see their favorite person in world, despite our fight. He said hello to them and it made me so happy that those two are so perfect even their stupid mom can't keep goodness out of their lives. It meant the world to them and to me that they only know love and happiness. It's just another reason why they are my love and happiness.They are so lucky to still have such an amazing person in their lives. I'm so glad even I can't take that away from them.
Last night the dogs were able to see their favorite person in world, despite our fight. He said hello to them and it made me so happy that those two are so perfect even their stupid mom can't keep goodness out of their lives. It meant the world to them and to me that they only know love and happiness. It's just another reason why they are my love and happiness.They are so lucky to still have such an amazing person in their lives. I'm so glad even I can't take that away from them.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
It's mornings like these when I wish the dogs could walk themselves. I'm tired, it's cool, and it's really, really wet. 15 minutes around the block and my feet are soaked. Missy and Mister were pretty wet too by the time we made it back inside. Heavy, compact snow mixed with above freezing temps means puddles of water and ice everywhere. Just gross. Another thought that comes to mind: litter box training. Maybe for Mister, but Missy would just kick litter all over the apartment. So I guess today is what we call a lose, lose situation. I'm not sure the picture does it justice, but I tried. I cannot wait until summer.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Another Year Older
February 17th marked the dog blog's two year anniversary. It's hard to believe people are still following our miss-adventures and new people are checking us out everyday! I've worked hard over the last year to re-focus the blog while still making it a touch personal, a touch witty, and a touch smart. Oh yeah, and I added videos of the most adorable dogs in the world! Last month the blog received a face-lift and some early spring cleaning. Now it's time to remind everyone where I want to go with the little dog blog that could.
By this time next year I would love to reach 10,000 page views. I think we are well on our way and I can't wait to watch that little counter thingy click over. I also want to get everyone who reads the blog to "like" the Missaroo on Facebook and follow her on Twitter. Missy also has her very own Google+ page too! I also want to inspire more, live more, love more, and make more people aware of animal welfare issues facing this country. I hope you are ready to take this journey with us. Welcome to year three.
By this time next year I would love to reach 10,000 page views. I think we are well on our way and I can't wait to watch that little counter thingy click over. I also want to get everyone who reads the blog to "like" the Missaroo on Facebook and follow her on Twitter. Missy also has her very own Google+ page too! I also want to inspire more, live more, love more, and make more people aware of animal welfare issues facing this country. I hope you are ready to take this journey with us. Welcome to year three.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
It is very rare we use our little dog blog to directly ask for help ((except for shameless plugs and self-promotion of the Missaroo of course)) so we must really, really need it. Here's the sitc. ((that's short for situation for those not in the know)) My cousin found two really adorable dogs abandoned along the side of a busy road in the Elgin, Illinois area. Like any good dog mom she pulled over and rescued them. Since she is already a dogmom keeping them is not an option, but handing them over to be killed at the local animal control facility really isn't on the table as a choice either. So we're asking for your help.
I don't have a pic of the dogs myself but with a little help from Facebook, I can guide you to them. We need to find these little tykes a home pronto. Even if you can't adopt them we're hoping you'll share the news with everyone you know, and well, you know how the sharing thing goes. Thanks so much for all you do for pets already. Hugs!
Update: The two dogs have found a forever home! Thanks again.
I don't have a pic of the dogs myself but with a little help from Facebook, I can guide you to them. We need to find these little tykes a home pronto. Even if you can't adopt them we're hoping you'll share the news with everyone you know, and well, you know how the sharing thing goes. Thanks so much for all you do for pets already. Hugs!
Update: The two dogs have found a forever home! Thanks again.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
I love love, so I love Valentine's Day! I can't wait to hand out my Valentine's Day cards to my kiddos at daycare and my co-workers. There are exactly two reasons I walk around with love in my heart, one because Jesus died and rose again for my sins, the other is my two Valentines Missy and Mister. So we thought we'd spread the love today with great Missaroo and Mister too pics. Enjoy! Love!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
For those who know me best, they know I love greeting cards. OK I'm more like obsessed with greeting cards. I love the hunt in the card aisle, trying to pick out the perfect one for someone. Most of the time the person I'm shopping for receives two. One funny, one serious. I love licking the envelopes and sending them off. I especially love when I get to send it to someone who can't return the favor. And more than that I love getting cards in the mail. This is also obvious for anyone who's ever been to my apartment. I use old cards as decorations. Now my amazing friend and fellow dog mom Molly has come up with a new reason to love cards. She's spreading the love with a recycled card and I was the first lucky recipient!
I cannot even begin to describe how happy this made me. Like lots oh LOVE! I opened the card right before heading to work and it put me in the best mood to face the night job. Now I can't wait to spread the love to another dog mom or dad in need of a mood pick-me-up. I even think I have someone in mind. Spread the love. High five a friend. And tell them the Missaroo made you do it.
I cannot even begin to describe how happy this made me. Like lots oh LOVE! I opened the card right before heading to work and it put me in the best mood to face the night job. Now I can't wait to spread the love to another dog mom or dad in need of a mood pick-me-up. I even think I have someone in mind. Spread the love. High five a friend. And tell them the Missaroo made you do it.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
When the Missaroo Attacks
Monday morning is home to one of the scariest dog mom moments I've ever had. Missy got loose and took off after another dog. Don't believe me? I have a purple lip to prove it. So what happened? It was 6:30am, still dark out, and we had just gotten up. We were going to make our way around the block when we ran into the neighbor and her two large dogs. Very calm, very relaxed dogs mind you. I went to turn directions and started dragging Mister and Missy the other way when I quickly realized I had one dog and two leashes. Not. Good.
The next few seconds felt like hours and yet seems like one big blur. All I remember is running, screaming at Missy. Yelling my apologizes and trying to explain while going after my crazy dog. I remember being on my knees trying to grab her from behind to gain control. It was while I was on my knees and grabbing her from the hips that she popped up and headbutted me in the lip. Ouch! But I didn't lose my grip. I carried her home with Mister still just on his leash and just being the innocent bystander to the madness surrounding him. When I got back up the stairs to the apartment I put Missy's harness back on her. Tight everywhere. I must not have clipped it well enough in the morning. My fault! Oh the guilt. I cannot even tell you how horrible I feel that Missy went after another dog.
Missy on the attack is truly my biggest fear. If she really were to get after another dog there is a good chance she could lose her life and with that I would lose mine. I cannot wait to move out of doggie hell, get those two into a backyard, and try working on this temperament problem of hers. AGAIN. In the meantime, you better believe I give her one big tug before I open the door.
The next few seconds felt like hours and yet seems like one big blur. All I remember is running, screaming at Missy. Yelling my apologizes and trying to explain while going after my crazy dog. I remember being on my knees trying to grab her from behind to gain control. It was while I was on my knees and grabbing her from the hips that she popped up and headbutted me in the lip. Ouch! But I didn't lose my grip. I carried her home with Mister still just on his leash and just being the innocent bystander to the madness surrounding him. When I got back up the stairs to the apartment I put Missy's harness back on her. Tight everywhere. I must not have clipped it well enough in the morning. My fault! Oh the guilt. I cannot even tell you how horrible I feel that Missy went after another dog.
Missy on the attack is truly my biggest fear. If she really were to get after another dog there is a good chance she could lose her life and with that I would lose mine. I cannot wait to move out of doggie hell, get those two into a backyard, and try working on this temperament problem of hers. AGAIN. In the meantime, you better believe I give her one big tug before I open the door.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
For Christmas, I challenged all of you to find companies that didn't test on animals to buy from. I hope you took it to heart and did the best you could looking at labels before you checked out. This is a challenge I am still taking every day and I thought it was time to tell YOU where I'm at so you can continue to hold me accountable. So here we go.
There are still two pieces of makeup that I wear that needs to change. But I promise the next time I run out of foundation or mascara I'll hit up the MAC counter instead of Rite Aid.
I still need to switch over my shampoo and conditioner. I have two HUGE bottles so it might still be months before I can make it happen.
And there are still a lot of facial products that need to be replaced.
So where have I made progress? Check out this list of TMI: With my lotion, body wash, hair products, acne cream, face wash, chap-stick, makeup remover wipes, most of my makeup ((OK that doesn't really count because I've always bought MAC)) and my shoes! That's right my first pair of Tom's came in the mail this past week. Very excited to have vegan shoes that are partially recycled! I still have a long way to go but every day, every purchase I am now conscience about it and for me, that's the first step.
There are still two pieces of makeup that I wear that needs to change. But I promise the next time I run out of foundation or mascara I'll hit up the MAC counter instead of Rite Aid.
I still need to switch over my shampoo and conditioner. I have two HUGE bottles so it might still be months before I can make it happen.
And there are still a lot of facial products that need to be replaced.
So where have I made progress? Check out this list of TMI: With my lotion, body wash, hair products, acne cream, face wash, chap-stick, makeup remover wipes, most of my makeup ((OK that doesn't really count because I've always bought MAC)) and my shoes! That's right my first pair of Tom's came in the mail this past week. Very excited to have vegan shoes that are partially recycled! I still have a long way to go but every day, every purchase I am now conscience about it and for me, that's the first step.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Shameless Plug
I recently entered Missy in the Human Society of the United States's World Spay Day 2012 photo contest. Think what you will about HSUS and believe me I have issues with their refusal to go No Kill myself. BUT I think we can all agree spaying and neutering your pet is awesome. PLUS the contest gives you the option to allow your pet's donations to go to a LOCAL animal shelter instead of them. I chose the Fox Valley Animal Welfare League which is located just north of my hometown. So VOTE FOR MISSY and share with your friends. Here's how is works:
Every vote in your pet's honor promotes spay and neuter efforts across the globe and right in your own neighborhood, helping to lower the number of animals who are euthanized each day and control pet overpopulation. Be sure to check the World Spay Day Online Pet Photo Contest website to find your pet and see how he or she is doing in the contest. And don't forget: The deadline for voting is 10 p.m., Eastern Time, February 29, 2012.
Thanks everyone! Let's help pets and share the Missaroo with the world! Loves.
- To vote for a pet, a person must first donate -- every $1 means 1 vote for your pet ($5 = 5 votes, and so on). Every dollar raised by your best friend will help the organization you chose spay and neuter animals -- and get you closer to winning the grand prize!
- Share your pet's photo with the animal lovers in your life. You can post it to Facebook, tweet it, spread the word by email, and more—all using our easy share tools!
- You can also join your friends and family in voting for your pet - just donate $5 for 5 votes, $10 for 10 votes, and so on.
Thanks everyone! Let's help pets and share the Missaroo with the world! Loves.
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